The 6044 is a discrete I/O module that can be user configured to have 32 digital outputs, 32 digital inputs or 16 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs. The digital outputs may be directly programmed or programmed to change state when the output of one or more measurement channels in the same enclosure violate programmed alarm limits.
The discrete outputs may be configured via programming so that the limits of multiple channels control a single discrete output. This "OR'd" configuration can be expanded to any number of channels in the same enclosure.
Each discrete output has programmable persistence. If persistence is used, each alarm limit violation counts up until the persistence value is reached before setting the discrete output state. Likewise, absence of an alarm limit violation counts down before clearing the discrete output state. Alarm limits are checked for each sample of data with system in preview or record mode. The 6044 may be used to provide programmed discrete digital outputs and to respond to changes of state on the 6000 system-wide Warning and Alarm bus.
Discrete inputs may be TTL or up to 50 Volts. Input states are recorded with other 6000 measurement channels. Outputs are TTL or open collector. In the case of open collector, the maximum compliance is +5.5 Volts.
The 6044 Alarm Mode is frequently used to monitor measurement channels for alarm conditions and issue a TTL output or use the open collector output to activate a relay that interfaces to external monitor and control devices.
The 6044 contains a table of 128 programmable "behaviors". A "behavior" is an action that includes an upper threshold limit, a lower threshold limit and output discrete to use. A lookup table assigns a "behavior" to the output of a measurement channel in the enclosure in which the 6044 is installed. Multiple "behaviors" can be assigned to the same output discrete providing a means to "or" the alarms of multiple channels to a single discrete output.
Persistence is programmed for each output discrete. When a limit is exceeded on any measurement assigned to the discrete, the persistence counter increments. The counter decrements when the limit on any measurement is not exceeded but does not go below zero. When the programmed persistence count is reached, the discrete output is enabled. Limits are independently programmed for each measurement in the alarm matrix. External logic can be employed to expand the alarm tree.