Model 6065, 2-Channel Instrumentation Amplifier-Filter-Digitizer, 300CMV
- Isolated input with 300 Volts common mode
- Automatic zero
- Voltage Substitution Calibration
- Gains 1 to 5,000 with 50 kHz or 100 kHz bandwidth
- Programmable low-pass filters
- Up to 200kS/s per channel with 16-bit resolution
- Dual buffered 10 Volt analog outputs
The 6065 is a two-channel instrumentation amplifier-digitizer module. Each channel has isolated input, 100 kHz bandwidth and two outputs that can be filtered or wideband.
The input is two-wire shielded and is isolated from the outputs, power and control interface. This gives the user complete freedom to ground the input without creating ground loops that introduce noise and offset errors. The isolation provides for operation with up to ±300 Volts of common mode applied to the input.
The differential instrumentation amplifier has programmable gains from 1 to 5,000 and automatic zero. The standard filter is a six-pole Bessel with four programmable bandwidths and wideband. An optional four-pole Bessel filter has continuously programmable bandwidth with 1 Hz resolution below 1 kHz and 5 Hz above 1 kHz. Each channel has two buffered, ±10 Volt outputs. The output can be digitally monitored using any of the supported interfaces.
Voltage substitution calibration, employing an external standard, is provided for gain calibration. Automatic zero and gain calibration are implemented in PI660 software.
Programmable 1 to 5000, in 1, 2, 3, 5 steps, with ±0.05% accuracy.
Gain Stability
±0.01% for 30 days, ±0.004%/ºC.
±0.01% for gains < 1,000, ±0.02% for gain 1,000 and higher.
Common Mode
80 dB plus gain in dB to 120 dB for balance input and 110 dB for a 350 Ohm source unbalanced, ±300 Volts, DC to 60Hz.
CM Voltage
±300 Volts operating.
Automatic zero to ±2 µV RTI or ±1.0 mV RTO whichever is greater.
Zero Stability
±1 µV/°C RTI, ±0.2 mV/°C RTO or (±1 µV RTI, ±0.2 mV RTO) /°C
Source Current
±25 nA, ±0.05 nA/ºC
Noise (10 kHz)
2.0 µV RTI plus 0.3 mV RTO, RMS.
50 kHz (-3 dB) for gains 1 to 1,000, 20 kHz (-3 dB) for gains above 1,000.
Bandwidth (HF)
100 kHz (-3 dB) for gains 1 to 1,000, 50 kHz (-3 dB) for gains above 1,000.
Slew Rate
5 V/µS
Overload Recovery
120 µS to within ±0.1% for a 10 times overload to ±10 Volts.
Output is read by a program instruction. Resolution is ±0.003%.
Two ±10 Volt full scale buffered outputs. Each may be program selected for filtered or wideband response.
Ordering Information
6065HF-PF10/20K-BE4 - 2-Ch Instrumentation Amp, 4-Pole PF 10Hz-20kHz Bessel. 6065HF-PF4-BE6 - 2-Ch Instrumentation Amp, 4-Freq 6-Pole Bessel.