The 6005E enclosure has 8 slots for Series 6000 input and output modules with a gigabit Ethernet interface for programming, control and data output. An internal Control & Data Processor (Model 6096) provides an Ethernet interface to the remote Operators Workstation. 6005U is DC operated for mobile applications.
All connections are made on the front allowing the 6005E to be located in the tightest of spaces. It has integral fans that supply cooling air to the modules and power supply. Power is 10 to 20 VDC with 21 to 32 VDC also available. An included power adapter is provided for operation from 120/240 VAC.
Data Redundancy is optionally available. A 2.5" HD (Module 6095) mounts on the USB controller board in each 6010U enclosure and provides a redundant recording point for the DAS. In the unlikely event the Operators Workstation or DAS Software fails, data will continue to record in each enclosure. Data can be recovered from the system post-test.
The Operators Workstation (PCCOWU-LT) is the primary control and data recording point for the Series 6000 DAS. The PCCOWU-LT is typically a laptop, connected to the 6005E's Ethernet port and runs PI660 Data Acquisition Software for system setup, calibration, display, recording, distribution and export.