Model 6136 is a four-channel, programmable charge amplifier, filter, analog output module with a second input for piezoelectric sensors with integrated electronics (IEPE).
The high-performance charge amplifier can be used to measure dynamic acceleration, pressure, force and strain from piezoelectric transducers. Three charge-to-voltage input ranges optimize performance according to transducer sensitivity. A programmable time constant enables it to make quasi-static measurements. The charge amplifier has 2X overhead preventing its overload by signals in excess of full scale. A software controlled reset switch is provided that discharges the charge capacitor for immediate clearing of an overload signal.
The 6136 provides two modes of charge amplifier calibration. Voltage insertion mode injects dynamic signals in series with the transducer and input cable verifying the integrity of the input circuit. Charge calibration mode injects dynamic signals through a precision capacitor into the charge input simulating the output of a charge transducer. The voltage input for IEPE transducers has static or dynamic voltage substitution calibration. All static and dynamic calibration signals are provided by external sources that are easily removed to be sent out for periodic certification.
The IEPE input is for piezoelectric sensors with built-in charge amplifiers. It provides 2 to 20 mA excitation with 26 Volt compliance to the transducer. A voltage amplifier has gains of 1 to 5,000 with full bandwidth up to gain 1,000. The voltage amplifier is calibrated by static or dynamic voltage substitution.
The four-pole, low-pass Bessel filter has continuously programmable bandwidth from 50 Hz to 50 kHz. A post-filter gain of 1 or 10 can be selected independently for digitized and analog outputs. Each channel has a ±10 Volt calibrated analog output.